To all those who are following or just happen to stumble upon my channel. I'm sorry I haven't written anything all this time...
I've been caught up with my college studies, and I haven't been getting much motivation to write ever since I stopped so long ago...
Even now, I'm only writing this out of necessity because of questions regarding my progress with writing.
I only started this thing as a hobby, to kill time and not much else. It was never the plan to have it be anything more than that. Times have changed and I find myself preoccupied with other activities.
I may or may not get back into writing once my classes are done this semester, and even if I do, I probably won't be posting frequently.
I'm sorry if that's not what any of you wanted to hear, but I had to be honest. I've ignored this for far too long and it's time I said something.
To reiterate, I'm not making ANY promises to get back into writing. This was only a hobby, nothing more. If you were expecting me to announce some grand comeback, then I hate to burst your bubble.
It was fun writing for you all, making these stories, however bad I felt they were... ^-^;
Thank you for taking the time to read through this and I'm sorry I didn't say anything sooner. I hope you all have a pleasant evening/afternoon/morning/etc...