Hello lovely people. I'm so sorry for unpublishing my books, I truly enjoyed working on them. interacting with you guys was the best, reading your funny, encouraging and helpful comments would always boost my energy :) I just felt like I could never give justice to these amazing stories, characters, and mangaka. I know it's silly to think of it like--( I'm an amateur when it comes to writing ) but I would always reread my okay drafts to try to make them better - knowing that there wasn't anything to add to them. not to mention I felt like wasn't as careful as I should have been with the sensitive topics and I truly apologize for that. I'm so sorry that I couldn't finish the books - I truly wish I could have be brave enough to publish the rest of them- publicly-- I wish I was better -- I truly do. not sure if I will one day republish and finish the books --so sorry :( not sure if I'll write and publish publicly again on the platform or other ones I'm so thankful for the support you guys gave to someone like me - someone who was new and lost <3 I'll never forget how happy and grateful I'm to you. thank you , truly thank you. and remember I'm always here if you need someone to talk to <3 P.s: I wouldn't mind sending the drafts/chapters to any of you if you wanna read them( making sure they can't be copied or shared & deleted as soon as you are done with them )-- -Shiirol

a truly thank you to @akimotoayumu023 for never giving up on me , for supporting me through all of this- love you :D and thank you to all of you who were trying to help by editing for me , giving me suggestions , correcting my grammar/spelling mistakes - will never forget that amazing gesture you guys did for me :)