
Heya Everyone! Its good to be back to Wattpad once more! But I have a important decision I must make for the future of this account. 
          	Would you all be interested in me writing books? If so which books or genres? Fan-fictions or Originals? X Reader or X OC? Or ship books? The choices are yours to make! Feel free to lef me know what your interested in. 
          	Although a fair warning to those who would like to see my writing, I have not yet finished School meaning I usually have a lot of things on my mind although most books will have slow updates and editing, I will try to get atleast a chapter every 2-3 days hopefully, though longer chapters will come out every 4-5 days. Event chapters and such will be hopefully published during the closest weekend to the holiday.
          	I hope to have you replies soon! Enjoy & have a lovely (day / night / afternoon / morning)!


Heya Everyone! Its good to be back to Wattpad once more! But I have a important decision I must make for the future of this account. 
          Would you all be interested in me writing books? If so which books or genres? Fan-fictions or Originals? X Reader or X OC? Or ship books? The choices are yours to make! Feel free to lef me know what your interested in. 
          Although a fair warning to those who would like to see my writing, I have not yet finished School meaning I usually have a lot of things on my mind although most books will have slow updates and editing, I will try to get atleast a chapter every 2-3 days hopefully, though longer chapters will come out every 4-5 days. Event chapters and such will be hopefully published during the closest weekend to the holiday.
          I hope to have you replies soon! Enjoy & have a lovely (day / night / afternoon / morning)!