
Hi all! I have uploaded 2 new poems a new story that I have been working on! I hope you all like it. Comments and votes will be greatly appreciated. :D Enjoy!! XD


Trying is enough. you didn’t just stop or quit. you put in effort. how much doesn’t matter. what matters is that you did at all when you could have chosen not to. you tried. and it’s okay if you didn’t succeed. it’s okay if it didn’t go the way you planned. it’s okay if you didn’t get what you were hoping for. because in every failure, every mistake, every regret, every heartbreak, every mishap, there’s a lesson. where there’s a lesson, there is growth. and where there’s growth, there is light. even in the most negative, dark, hurtful situations.
          The secret to finding your passion is to start bringing passion to everything you do. No matter how small or big whatever you are doing is, do it like you really want to. That’s what creates excellence. And, great success.
          Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle And the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared. 
          -. Never stop dreaming. Combine with hard work, persistence, discomfort & faith, & you are on your path to great success.
          "Dear whoever reading this, 
          I hope that next year, on the same day, you'll be having a different life: more beautiful, more fun, more successful, more peaceful, and more passionate. 
          I hope that next year comes with all your secret prayers answered with what you've asked for or better than what you've asked for.
          I hope that next year you'll be living livelier and happier." 
          You know, it's okay to restart for how many times in your life—when you feel like everything's chaotic and messy, when things became out of your control, when you think you faced a dead-end, or whatever reason you may have, it's all fine to be back to square one again. It's way better than to stay still on where you are, and be stagnant; also a better decision than giving up. It's hard, so bring along some patience for yourself; you are growing, you are learning, and you need those experiences to survive. 


          Nobody can tell you what’s your calling, what’s your unique strength, what’s your purpose. Only you can hear your calling. Once you figure it out what makes you come alive, there is no stopping you.
          You know, if people would tell me that I have changed because I used to be a source of optimism before, and now I am too far off from the that kind of person I was, I will take that as a compliment. I wasn't use to sharing things about sadness itself—all that I could offer was comforting words like everything will be fine, and it will pass. I was skipping the phase of being down and upset, for I was a person who just bottle things up deep within me—setting it aside as if not speaking about it would mean it never existed. 
          “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view…Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it.”✨
          Be soft.
          Do not let the world make you hard.
          Do not let the pain make you hate.
          Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness.
          You don’t build a vision of the past. Vision is where you are going, vision is the future you want. Only thing it requires is bold imagination, & small steps all day, every day. And, never quitting.
          There's really nothing wrong in revisiting the past. At times, we all need to do it to see how far we've become, how we managed to overcome the sadness we thought would put an end to our journey. But you have to make sure that you will not stay there forever, and that you will find your way back to the present. 
          You deserve to be here—in the now; and there's more for you to experience, fulfill, and achieve on what's ahead.
          "One day you won’t carry heaviness on your shoulders. you’ll get through the day without constant worrying and stomach aches. you will heal and make your mind a safe, peaceful place to be, not something you want to escape. it’s all possible. you can make it through this."


I'm sorry for posting here. I just want to know if... You like this book of mine. It's kinda promotion too so you can share you story here and if you like I can also read yours *grins* once again, I'm really sorry.