Oh. my. GOODNESS GRACIOUS. Okay, so I am VERY disappointed in myself for not forcing me to get back on here and write my book, because... if I'm being honest, I have KIND OF lost interest in it. I probably won't keep writing it until I find interest again - cuz usually I do - and am going to start a new book of some sort. I might continue it if y'all convince me
One reason I will say that I've lost interest is because I've gotten into the DSMP lore and fandom and ships and everything sooo yeahhh. Fun fun!
Anyways, I'm so sorry for leaving y'all for so long, it's just my parents, school, losing family, school, therapy, school, stress caused by school, SCHOOL, yk the usual. Otherwise, I am very sorry for leaving y'all so long. Ill update you when I start a new book. Love y'alls!