
this message may be offensive
Hey guys :) Long time no see/read xD 
          	I just wanted to make sure everyone knows what's my plan for Wattpad the next few weeks/months. Just so there's no confusion, especially with the Riftan book. There was a very long break due to... idk I can't even explain. I will or already have archived a few stories. Stories I'm not comfortable with anymore or need to correct for grammar or context reasons. I want you to have fun reading so my expectations towards myself are growing. I'm sorry if you're missing a book that you really liked. I try to correct as much as I can. Also, I will post more Final Fantasy 7 stuff the next time. Simply cause my interests shifted to a fandom/franchise I feel way more at home with. I hope you understand. And I'm sorry if I let you down with a book. I really am. But I need to move on to find inner fucking Peace already. And Final Fantasy just feels wonderful for me rn. If you read all this, I'd be happy to still have you around! If it meets your interests lol and I hope you have a great weekend! 


this message may be offensive
Hey guys :) Long time no see/read xD 
          I just wanted to make sure everyone knows what's my plan for Wattpad the next few weeks/months. Just so there's no confusion, especially with the Riftan book. There was a very long break due to... idk I can't even explain. I will or already have archived a few stories. Stories I'm not comfortable with anymore or need to correct for grammar or context reasons. I want you to have fun reading so my expectations towards myself are growing. I'm sorry if you're missing a book that you really liked. I try to correct as much as I can. Also, I will post more Final Fantasy 7 stuff the next time. Simply cause my interests shifted to a fandom/franchise I feel way more at home with. I hope you understand. And I'm sorry if I let you down with a book. I really am. But I need to move on to find inner fucking Peace already. And Final Fantasy just feels wonderful for me rn. If you read all this, I'd be happy to still have you around! If it meets your interests lol and I hope you have a great weekend! 


Entschuldigung an die die mein Erwin Buch lesen. Ich brauche noch ein paar Tage für das nächste Kapitel. Ich war eigentlich schon fertig aber irgendwas nervt mich heftig. Sorry. Ich Versuch es neben Family und Arbeit zu schaffen. So schnell wie möglich.


@erwinsriddeablenose Okayy lass die Zeit, musst dich nicht Stressen!


@ erwinsrideablenose  alles gut, nimm dir Zeit <3 


          Alles okay? 


@ yagamislightsaber  bei mir alles soweit okay. Wenn du willst kannst du mir auch privat schreiben :) 


@4hajimeswife Hey ♡ joaa geht so bisschen down atm weiß auch net. Bei dir? :)


Guys if im late translating something or writing your one shot please please bear with me I'm a mess right now and thrive on 3 hours sleep a day. I'm just not feeling great for whatever damn reason. At the moment I honestly can only manage to write the stuff I feel like otherwise it'll definitely turn out trash. I'm sorry... Just need to take a breathing break rn 


@ yagamislightsaber  *hug* :) ♡ 