calm down and eat some rice

- someone

These past five years, I have been saving up more than 75 story drafts- Some of them being connected to other stories and some others being random story ideas. I like to write romances like the great Shakespeare'a scripts(wonderfully tragic). At least that what I like to think.

Most of my beautiful, little women are primarily gay with unnecessary depressing stories, whilst the boys find themselves a soft love story. I try to find characters that fit well in my stories, so that drama and comedy can occur.

Often, I write stories with internal conflict, because that's literally the only drama I've experienced, so if I ever publish a story with external conflicts, it'll probably end with little conflict- leading to more internal conflict, like man vs self.

Most of my stories turn out with happy endings though. :D

About me:

I am a 16 year old depresso expresso because I literally don't have any friends, though I choose not to, and I like to puke in 1 hour car rides. :)

edit: I am 17 now and still a sad sack of potatoes. I drink lemonade during long car rides, and I am now a Proseka fanatic. My apologies.

edit 2: idfk uhhhhhhhhh im tryna adult and live, i have pjsk freinds now :))) already failing to adult
gonna try starting a short story for fun ig, join VDB for my wtwg run pleak ;-; (if you dont know what i'm even talking about then ask 'what is filling?' in #prsk-questions in VDB if you ever do see this and join)
  • splish splashing in a pond
  • Дата регистрацииMarch 3, 2018

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ShinYano ShinYano Mar 11, 2025 02:27AM
i forgot i had wattpad
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