
Chapter 3 - Cryptic Sensation out. Go and check it out.


Which fanfiction shud I hop to next ?


@_sereneserenade_ I want to as well. But I'm doubtful of getting any reads that way. I'll find a way though.


@Shinchan655 not a fanfic but something different 


@Shinchan655 damn we alivee ??


Hi great Author
          I just finished reading your incredible story (my crying session too) 'The deep end of ecstasy' and I got the sudden urge to drop a message for you ...
          I am in love with your masterful storytelling.. it evoked a rollercoaster of emotions. 
          This story left me breathless and tearful. You deserve millions upon millions of views and recognition for your talent...
          I'll be recommending your work to everyone I know. <3
          Thank you for crafting an unforgettable experience.
          Hoping to receive more stories and it'll be more great if you'll make one more serious on Ajey Nagar..


@Kawaiiee__ee thank you so much for this message. As well as the votes and love u gave to my book. It's a pleasure to have such genuine readers like you. 
            Yes I have something in my mind. But haven't got the time to frame the story in sequences yet. But I'll be posting it shortly. 
            Thank you so much for reading, I feel motivated to write now hehe :>


This year, take some time out of your busy lives to appreciate yourself for being who you are. Its high time we all realise that we all are our own kinds and take pride in that.
          नव वर्ष कि बहुत बहुत शुभकामनाएं!!!
          Wishing you all,
          A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!


@Shinchan655 happy new year <3 <3