
Hello those of you who are dedicated enough to still be active on this account! I've been rewatching Attack on Titan (as well as finally catching up on the manga) and EreMin / JeaRmin are capturing my heart! I'm hoping to get into writing again.


Okay, guys. I have some bad news. Wattpad with their new policy that locks you out of your account if you try to log in from a new device unless you use your email has officially cucked me. 
          I won't be able to post anymore, so I supposed I'll be converting 100% to my AO3 account. My username is Armajesty if you guys are interested in keeping up with me there! ♥️✨


I'm popping in from my other account to say that I am going to be reading on the account again. I'm having an eremin fixation at the moment.
          I may try my hand at writing some one shots, but we'll see if that truly goes through.
          I'm also trying to find an old fic I used to LOVE. I know the author removed it to make it into a story about her original characters, but if anyone has seen it reposted anywhere I would love to know. As for the plot, it's an eremin fanfic where Eren is Armin's sponsor as he tried to overcome his addiction to cocaine. It gets super deep and dark and stuff but I love fics like that.
          Thanks everyone! ♥️


Hello those of you who are dedicated enough to still be active on this account! I've been rewatching Attack on Titan (as well as finally catching up on the manga) and EreMin / JeaRmin are capturing my heart! I'm hoping to get into writing again.


A list of my current fandoms so that when I inevitably start to write fanfiction people know what I'm interested in:
          - Marvel (Specifically Spiderman)
          - Voltron
          - Fruits Basket
          - Banana Fish
          - Final Fantasy 15
          Those are like my BIG fandoms (not including Kpop cause I would never write fanfic about that) so there obviously more on the list like Attack on Titan that I still enjoy.


@ShindoLee Plus a few musicals ^^


I always seem to do this thing where I come back for a short time and never actually do anything. I'm hoping to make things differently, especially once I get a laptop. 
          So a few things:
          1. I'm coming back and I'm not sure if I'll be writing any fanfiction. I want to practice working on my style and developing my OCs so I plan on doing that here.
          2. Stay With Me will remain discontinued. I was very young when I started writing that story and I know that I really don't actually enjoy writing it anymore. The ending I had planned was very poor but for those reading it who hate not knowing what happened I just want you to know that I had planned for them develope a cure for anyone who is bitten. (Not already infected. They still have to be killed so lurkers are far from being gone.) Anyways, the gang ends up meeting up with Connie and Sasha and they all live on a farm there. It's all very like.. unrealistic? Also the story has so many plot holes like to thi day Annie, Bert and Reiner were just there to hurt Armin for god knows what reason.
          I also hope to interact more with people who read my stories. (If people are actually going to do that? It's a mystery.) So feel free to message me or post on my page anytime! ♡
          I'm glad to be back.


I want to keep writing, but I have the worst writers block right now and it's god awful. Sorry everything is taking so long.


@ShindoLee No problem believe in yourself and you will find something wonderful ♡


@ArminCRArlert You're amazing, thank you so much. ♡


@ShindoLee No need to be sorry 
            Your stories are amazing I'm sure you will think of something 


@OceanicBlueHues is my aesthetic.


Take as much time as you need. As long as you're having fun then go for it.


@OceanicBlueHues Thank you, again. I'm working my hardest to get through editting so I can start writting again.


Ahh, I'm in love with it and I can't wait until you finally finish rewriting the whole thing. I wish you the best of luck though! 