
To all of you another apology for not updating. All I can say concerning my lack of activity is: school. Many of you will understand, school is school and all to often it is just time consuming.
          	However I promise to post a story or two next week, that is certain.
          	Furthermore since many of you asked me for sequels to the Hetalia one-shot I've taken it into consideration. You can request for a second part, I'll note it but I can't promise to oblige to all of them; by some I have a few ideas by others not.


@ fallen__soldier  you'll survive, i'll survive and everything will be fine


Again? What a pitty. But wanna change? I can't do this skiing thing anymore #RIP


Hello Shine-chan!! Can you make a novel Black Clover & Reader 
          Where a girl with angelic beauty lives in the village of Hajj. The people of her village revered her as if she were a god, a saint, or even an angel blessing their poor village 
          She was of angelic beauty, with a distinctive beauty, that she was more beautiful than angels and gods
          Everyone who looks at her falls for her and her beauty, whether a girl or a boy, they will find themselves madly in love with her. It made people love it at first sight and want it for them 
          Even Sister Lily, Lily tried to resist her sweet beauty, but she could not. It was so beautiful like bliss
          Our heroine goes to the Magic Knights exam with her friends Yuno and Asta who are also Yandere nerds and fall in love with the reader because of her beauty, kindness, sweet feminine voice, innocent heart-melting actions, sexy body and lips.appetizing rosacea 
          Everything about her is perfect, even her flaws, although she had no flaws, she was perfect in all respects. When she arrived in the city of Black Clover, women and men stared at her with heart-wrenching eyes and timid chaos because of her beauty, even some children They left their mothers and went to her and asked her to be their mother. The men were trying to court her. As for the women, they could do nothing but be ashamed of the angelic girl in front of them
          And when she got to the Magic Knights exam, she caught everyone's attention. He was bleeding from his nose. And there are those who prostrate themselves to her, saying that they are gods. And there are those who wanted to kidnap her for himself 
          Even the leaders of the Magic Knights could not believe what they saw. It was a mass of beauty, femininity, and seduction. The leaders look at her with a mess of extreme shame. They couldn't take their eyes off her until the sleeping Dorothy was awakened for Seeing the beauty of the female in front of her


@user17792597 i don't write Mary-Sues


To all of you another apology for not updating. All I can say concerning my lack of activity is: school. Many of you will understand, school is school and all to often it is just time consuming.
          However I promise to post a story or two next week, that is certain.
          Furthermore since many of you asked me for sequels to the Hetalia one-shot I've taken it into consideration. You can request for a second part, I'll note it but I can't promise to oblige to all of them; by some I have a few ideas by others not.


@ fallen__soldier  you'll survive, i'll survive and everything will be fine


Again? What a pitty. But wanna change? I can't do this skiing thing anymore #RIP


I know it's been some time and I'm sorry for not updating. As I've mentioned I'll still be unable to post anything in my book. Still things are looking good; I already have a few oneshots on paper since I have been using my spare time as well as a few projects I haven't made public met. Anyway I'm looking forward to putting everything on the site here xD


Although the Prussia is at the time not on top of my list I'm still in debate on which idea I should form into a story. The options I have and what was suggested are:
          ~ A Stasi Prussia set in East Germany, post-WWII
          ~ An inquisitor Prussia set in the Middle Age
          ~ A were-shark Prussia with a marine reader
          Which would you like to see the most?


I just wanted to let you know that I love your books a lot and hope for more awesome content in the future from you!
          You're just so awesome!
          -Grüße aus Deutschland
          Eure 'lieben' Nachbarn :3


@ Call_me_JayJay Vielen Dank und bitte mach weiter so mit den Büchern, 'allerliebste' Nachbarin von einem total nicht verhassten Land (Nur n' witz! XD)
            Schönen Tag noch! :3


@ Call_me_JayJay  Thx you ;) Nun ja, dann wünsche ich unsere „allerliebsten“ Nachbarn viel Spaß beim lesen


Weil mich @fallen__soldier dazu verdammt hat: Meine geliebte Damen und Herren, ich präsentiere hiermit 15 Fakten über mein wunderbares Ich (sarkasmus <hust> <hust>
          1. Es hat ein paar Wochen gedauert bis ich mich zu dieser Qual aufgerappelt hab.
          2. Ich komme aus Österreich und bin stolz darauf.
          3.Ich sprech zwei Sprachen fließend
          4.Ihr dürfts euch alle bei @fallen__soldier bedanken dass ich das hier schreibe.
          5. Mein Grammatik ist scheiße
          6.Ich tue gern rollplayen
          7. Ich mag Geschichte und alles was damit zu tun hat
          8. Mir ist es egal was ihr dazu sagts, Chemie ist toll und dass wird es immer bleiben
          9. Ich hasse meine eigene Stimme, sie ist zu hoch
          10. Für mich ist die Hölle dort wo viele Wassermelonen gibt
          11. Ich tue gerne dunkle Geschichten schreiben und lesen
          12. Ein bittersüßes Ende ist das beste Ende
          13. Ich habe öfters das Gefühl ich bin von Idioten umzingelt
          14. Sport ist kein Mord sondern Spaß
          15. Das hier wird keiner lesen und wenn dann nicht verstehen, also ist es egal


@ fallen__soldier  aufn scheiterhaufen mit die teufelin


Gahahahahaaa weil ich ein satanischer *hust* Nazi *hust* bin.  


All of you might be wondering why the time span between updates on my current work are so long. To tell the truth, I've been working on a few other ideas of mine and I've decided that I'll be publishing a new book sooner or later, probably at the beginning of the summer hoildays. Now I want your opinion. Should it be
           a) Star Wars Fanfiction
           or rather
           b) another Yandere Oneshot Book
           that is first dished up?  ;)