
Freedom is life's greatest lie.
          	You know Loki is accurate.


That moment when you realize you want to keep the person holding your hand and smiling down on you. You think the world of him and never want to let go though you're being told to let him go and go on about your life. But you realize you don't want to without him. You want him to always be there and you want to be with him, always. You can't stand the idea of finding someone else. It's despicable. It's impossible to find someone like him. You can't imagine loosing him. You don't want to loose him to someone else. The idea hurts you. You want him. Forever. You want to see where this goes. You want it so bad. You want it... You want him to always be the one holding your hand and smiling down at you.


          Time Frame (What episode(s) (if you plan to stop), show, etc.):
          Side (Mandalorians included):
          Crush/ Love:
          (Don't forget to list mentors, etc.)


            ...Kuat to start her downfall.
            Extra: She met General Hux once on a starship. She let him live. Thus, the demotion soon followed after the death of her oldest brother during the Starkiller Base battle. And she's been on Kylo and Snoke's radar for years but he's biding his time.
            Mentors: Master Luke Skywalker, a bounty hunter by the last name of Skirata, Holograms, Her brother.


            Name: Xena Gullveig
            Species: Human
            Looks: Raven black hair that's threatening to turn grey prematurely. It's almost always braided back. Thick eyelashes, brooding grey eyes, pale skin, rare freckles here and there, and thin lips. Short, 5'3, but well built with muscles. Sharp features.
            Age: 25 (same, xd)
            Personality: Passionate, strong willed, intelligently annoying, quick witted, brutal, merciless, not quick to anger but once her temper is lost you better be ready, swimming with the Dark Side.
            Time Frame: After Episode VII
            Family: Mother and father with three siblings, two older brothers and a younger brother.
            Side: She's still based with the Resistance but the Dark Side pulls to her. (Heh heh)
            Class/Rank/Occupation: Jedi Knight, She was demoted from General to Colonel in the Army by Leia.
            Weapon(s): A single, light blue colored hand made lightsaber with a grey hilt. Dual blasters on either hip. Her lightsaber is close to her blaster on her left hip.
            Bio: She's originally from Kuat. When her parents discovered she was Force Sensitive, they discussed what to do and decided she should be trained. They gave her over to Luke Skywalker. She was friends with Ben Solo but barely. She was one of the kids in the middle of the ages and met everyone briefly. She was never a friend maker. At 10, she made her Padawan lightsaber. At 11, she fled the academy. She managed on Coruscant until she was 15 and went to her parents and family on her homeworld until she was 19. Her oldest brother and her joined the Resistance. At some point she made a new and current lightsaber when the Force called her. At 23 she was a general with decently trained combat and Force skills. Young right? Leia thought she could channel something from the Old Republic days and she did have a fire in her. It took the news delivered by her second oldest brother of her mother's and father's death alongside her youngest brother on...


Name: Eddiara Monteth. 
            Species: Human
            Looks: Long, wavy, blonde hair. Piercing darkish-lightish blue eyes. Soft face and features.
            Age: 22 (not my real age *wink wink*)
            Personality: Shy at first, but opens up around people she knows. Deathly loyal to friends, uncontrollable anger, mixed emotions about everything and everyone. Soft spot for children, yet hates people in general. Strong and knowledgable of the Force.
            Time Frame: after Episode VII
            Family: One mother, step-father, and a younger brother.
            Side: Resistance, but craves freedom. Tends to walk the Grey.
            Class/Rank/Occupation: Captain for the Resistance, pilot along side Poe Dameron.
            Weapon(s): personally made blaster; lightsaber constructed along side with Rey.
            Crush/Love: Long-time crush on Ben Solo. Currently single and heatbroken over the abandonment of her best friend.
            Bio: sent away as a young kid to be trained by Luke. Even though she's seven years younger, she slowly became close friends with Ben Solo. Escaped, barely, from Luke's academy at the age of 8. Found her mother again, who had married and had a kid while she was gone. Joined the Resistance as a pilot with her Friend Poe at 18. Currently friends with Finn and Rey, determined to get back her friend, Ben.
            Extra: as a child of the Force, she susceptible to emotion. Has a ton of it. It never works to her advantage. Has hidden from Snoke and Kylo Ren for years, but luck just might run out.
            Mentors: Master Luke, General Leia, Admiral Ackbar. 