
"The girl you called fat? She's overdosing on diet pills.
          	The girl you called ugly? She spent hours putting on makeup hoping people will like her.
          	The boy you tripped? He's abused enough at home.
          	See that man with the ugly scars? He fought for his country.
          	That guy you just made fun of for crying? His mother is dying.
          	If you're against bullying repost this I'm sure those with a heart and a backbone will."
          	I found this on @Mana_Aoi 's page


Read til the end ! I sent an angel to watch over you last night but it came and asked "why ?" The angel said "we don't watch over other angels" twenty angels are in your world ten are sleeping nine of them are playing and one of them is reading this message. The Universe has seen you struggling with some things and say it's over. A blessing is coming your way. If you believe in Karma send this message to 14 friends including me, if I don't get it back I guess I'm not one of them. As soon as you get five replies someone you love will quietly surprise you... Not joking pass this message on. Please don't ignore it. You're being tested and Karma is going to fix two big things in your favor tonight if you believe in Karma drop everything and pass it on. TOMORROW WILL HE THE BEST DAY OF YOUR LIFE. DON'T BREAK THIS. SEND IT TO 14 FR9IN 10 MINUTES IT'S NOT THAT HARD. HOWEVER SEND THIS TO YOU MUST CARE ABOUT YOU. Just hold your fingers onto it.
          (i GoT nOtHinG bEtTeR tO dO sO I rEpOsTeD tHiS--)


Hey it would be nice when you Listen to me for few Minutes...
          You know why i called mana like this?- NO YOU DON'T - you don't even know what's going on....i would like to tell my Situation for you:
          Alright how would you feel- when you have big Problems with Family or Friends and the People which know what's going on Blocked you for I don't know Reason. You become angry and sad at the same called them b*t*" because you can't do anything else.
          Then few days later such unknow people who don't know me or my Situation hate me for it...but they don't know why- why should they hate me?- they don't even know me? how can you hate me and don't even know why?- ah wait i know why- because the Person which Blocked me and let me fall said that! 
          @Mana_Aoi one more time. : If you have a Problem with me- then why don't you tell me it and need 1000 other People for that - they fon't know what's going on here??- are you afraid or what? Just hidding behind others don't make it better .
          I'm so sorry for Everyone which think i'm a Monster for you! You- arge!...
          Sorry but I think i need to Talk before it's too late. 
          Thanks for listening and Mabye understanding... Thanks for Everything,have a great day


@ Electro_Hearts213  alright you win- Happy now? ....just don't tell people that i'm lying- because i never lying- never.


@ Shinigami_Kama25  i'm sorry for you... this all Happen because "SOMEONE" can't talk with me normaly


@Electro_Hearts213 I'll leave it here, besides, I have no idea on how to delete this
            Also, are you ok? Did Lyna hurt you badly? Sorry for not asking this sooner...


"The girl you called fat? She's overdosing on diet pills.
          The girl you called ugly? She spent hours putting on makeup hoping people will like her.
          The boy you tripped? He's abused enough at home.
          See that man with the ugly scars? He fought for his country.
          That guy you just made fun of for crying? His mother is dying.
          If you're against bullying repost this I'm sure those with a heart and a backbone will."
          I found this on @Mana_Aoi 's page