I am so sorry I've been inactive for a year. I just read through my story again and kind of cringed at the writing, but oh well. It's almost summer for me, but that also means it's almost finals week and I really need to pull up my grades before the semester ends! After that I do have work, but it's only part-time (although the hours and pay is amazing. I swear I didn't mean to brag there) so I may take another 3-4 weeks off of writing and not updating, but hopefully HOPEFULLY I will start updating and finishing my story after that! I did have the ending all planned and everything (like a year ago LOL sorry) but unfortunately I have compeltely forgotten it (yikes!) so I'm just gonna write what comes to mind, edit it, and see how it goes! I'm so sorry this is super long and whoever wants to read it may read it, but if you don't it wont bother me at all! Again I'm SO SO SO sorry for making everyone impatient and wait for an update! Please bare with me for about a month!!!!!!! I'm super busy, but I promise after that I will be completely free and I'M DETERMINED TO FINISH MY STORY!!!