
Hi, folks! It's been a long hiatus, but I am happy to say that I am officially active again! Quarantine gave me the time and inspiration I needed to finish works that I lost motivation for years ago, so I wanted to announce that I am currently rewriting/editing and republishing my three most popular works in the following order of priority and am trying to update at least every other week:
          	Warriors: Mossfire's Choice
          	Living the Dream
          	Warriors: Sunstream's Omen
          	Thank you for all of the support I've received in the six years since I started on Wattpad, and I hope you will enjoy the final. polished drafts of the works I am most proud of. If you have any questions, please private message me!


Hi, folks! It's been a long hiatus, but I am happy to say that I am officially active again! Quarantine gave me the time and inspiration I needed to finish works that I lost motivation for years ago, so I wanted to announce that I am currently rewriting/editing and republishing my three most popular works in the following order of priority and am trying to update at least every other week:
          Warriors: Mossfire's Choice
          Living the Dream
          Warriors: Sunstream's Omen
          Thank you for all of the support I've received in the six years since I started on Wattpad, and I hope you will enjoy the final. polished drafts of the works I am most proud of. If you have any questions, please private message me!


Meghan? Hi you know @Sprucetail101 right?


oh that's cool and of course I remember you!


Meghan! It's been so long! Listen, I'm not really gonna be active but I just want you to know that I never stop thinking about you. You're such an amazing friend and I will always love you like a sister. Please keep fighting and doing what you're doing and never stop doing what you love. I wish you the best . 
          With love, Emma


Emma it's so great to finally hear from you again! I can't believe how long it's been since the last time but that doesn't even matter now that I know you're okay. I've missed you and thought about you so much and will continue to because you are still one of the most important people in my life. Know that I am and always will be here for my best friend and sister. Even in the times when things aren't great, there will always be somebody who loves and cares about you. Keep your head up. 
            Love, Meghan 


i apologize for being so behind schedule with editing Living the Dream but i've been in and out of hospitals and doctors offices since july with persistent health and personal issues that have yet to be resolved. i am still trying to edit but i have had so little time and energy that it's been very difficult. thank you for your seemingly limitless patience, understanding, and support. love always, my wattpad family. 


hi everyone. i know that it's been almost six months since i've been on wattpad and i'm sorry for that. i've been going through absolute hell the past three years and these last few months it was only getting worse. i needed a break from everything to find myself again before i could face the world because i really was lost in all of this. i appreciate all the people who have helped me, and i've realized that while things aren't getting better, i have to take advantage of the things that help me get through it. i'll hopefully be writing again soon. it's been a long time, but what better day to come back then on my fourteenth birthday–exactly two years and eight days after i started my account. thank you to everyone who had been with me since the beginning and to all the people whom i've been blessed with having the honor of meeting along the way to where i am now. 


Just wanted to say THANK YOU SO MUCH to all of the wonderful people who are reading my book Living the Dream!!! It's absolutely unreal that I've hit TWENTY-FIVE THOUSANDS READS on a book that I started on January 5, 2015, and that it's gained so much attention so quickly! I love you all so much and I'm so grateful of your support for this book and for me, especially in the past couple weeks when I've really needed it more than ever. I'd like to clarify that I am getting better now and I'm finally winning a battle I've been having with depression for a while, and I'm almost back to my old self so I'm extremely grateful for every one of you who told me you were there for me if I needed it. I'm looking to do another challenge for getting me to 25K soon, so give me a few suggestions and you might see us do them! If you didn't see the first challenge I did in May for reaching 10K – the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge – with one of my good friends who's always been there for me then check it out on Instagram with the hashtag #Mossfire101! MUCH LOVE, DUDES, MUCH LOVE! <3 
          Thanks so much!
          •Meghan Miller•