I’m sorry to everyone who wanted Partners in Crime to Continue. I just can’t do it…
My ambition is gone.
If anyone would like to continue the story, and give the people what they truly deserve. Please let me know
I’m so so sorry for all of this..
@ ShiningJolteon I know i'm so much late and I don't know if you will read this but i wanna say...
I'll try to continue the "Partners in Crime" for you... Good luck in your life!!!
Everyone will remember you as a wonderful writer, ma friend...
And with your permission, I will continue the much loved story... "Partners in Crime" for you!!
Good luck in live!!
good luck out there lad...
your absence will be of greatest forlorn.
hope you find somethin' much better out there lad.
just promise me somethin' aye?
just stay safe out there aight? hope yer doin' alright.
You have been booed and a ghost is now
haunting you!
You must boo 15 other people to get rid of the ghost! If you get 5 boos you are cool.
If you get 10 boos you are amazing. If you get 15 boos I'm jealous?