
Hello, Hello! I haven’t been on here for a long time…well here is a life update! I am in college and I haven’t had enough time to write, but my writing is going to get better because I’m going to be getting an English degree. I hope everyone enjoys the Sam and Colby series, I will be returning. I’m not sure when I will be able to write, but it will happen, hopefully. 
          	See ya later! :)


Hello, Hello! I haven’t been on here for a long time…well here is a life update! I am in college and I haven’t had enough time to write, but my writing is going to get better because I’m going to be getting an English degree. I hope everyone enjoys the Sam and Colby series, I will be returning. I’m not sure when I will be able to write, but it will happen, hopefully. 
          See ya later! :)


Hey Guys!! Long time no see!! I'm soooooooo sorry for not updating any books recently... I have been extremely busy with college and working. Thank you for everyone that has been commenting and voting on my stories! I couldn't be more thankful!! I'm think about continuing the Kidnapped book...what do you guys think?


What’s up everyone!!
          It is finally January and you know what that means........ Kidnapped is going to be continued!!! Tomorrow the update will be up, so be looking foreword to that!!
          Thank you so so much for reading my stories I really appreciate it!!


❗❗Guys, I have HUGE announcement❗❗
          There are going to MAJOR content coming out for the second book to the Stanley Hotel series!! At the beginning of January, when all of the holidays has gone and passed, my book WILL be continued from were it was left off!!
          Thank you from being VERY patient with me, I am now working and with graduation coming up in December I have getting ready with that also. 
          I am so sorry for having you guys wait on the chapters for Kidnapped and thank you again for being patient. 