
I feel like no one checks the announcements and I need alot of Advice and help since I think I was gonna die in my sleep and I need to know if that I can actually die that way. 


Well you can die in your sleep, but u can’t die because of that in real life.  like you can die in real life in sleep like by being strangled or whatever, but that has nothing to do with your sleep. 


I feel like no one checks the announcements and I need alot of Advice and help since I think I was gonna die in my sleep and I need to know if that I can actually die that way. 


Well you can die in your sleep, but u can’t die because of that in real life.  like you can die in real life in sleep like by being strangled or whatever, but that has nothing to do with your sleep. 


I think I was gonna die today.
          Let me tell you why I was thinking that. This morning I woke up but then fell asleep again, then, in my dream I was in a bus, I was walking to the front despite the bus moving, there was another woman sitting on one seat along with her dog(it was like those sausage dogs except it was pure black, very beautiful along with those big black eyes)on a bus seat that was not supposed to be in the way. She picked the dog up and we smiled at each other as I went to the front seat, the back was completely empty, no people, no bus seats, nothing, it was all bare. I then saw that we were bearing my house but then I saw someone familiar and it seemed she had missed her stop, I told her that she missed her stop and she got up but there were no like strings to tug on for the bell to ring for her to stop so she asked the driver to stop, then a Fijian man that was sitting there told the driver to stop and she did, then the Fijian man and the girl got off. Then another Fijian man sat there as we were nearing my stop I told the driver to stop but the driver didn't stop and the Fijian man was yelling at her to stop but then I woke up.


this message may be offensive


@ji-eun_kim Sorry, It's not a vent. More of an..angst you could say


that there was a little thief that stole a steak and as soon as she pointed down for the other dinosaur to look down, the little mouse jumped behind a small wide length rock(Probably about 4 inches wide and 1½ inches high). The first dinosaur is shocked and starts yelling that she saw the their as the second dinosaur tries to calm her down while they walk back inside, the little mouse looks at the second dinosaur in what seems to be awe and fortunately she doesn't get squished on accident as when they are inside they also turn into humans. Both are dark skinned with black hair and white tips. And both have short hair except the girl's hair goes like a swirl up at the end while the boy's hair goes straight back. They both have golden eyes and the girl wears multiple necklaces and she wears a sleeveless black top with a red skirt along with black laces. Her shoes are that of a school girl's  Oh and she is flat. The boy wears a black shirt half buttoned and half not with black pants. His shoes I am not sure what I saw. The siblings are also pretty skinny. The little mouse might have gotten a crush on him as she watch from behind the rock. She herself when human is blonde with short and long hair(Not medium, like short hair framing her face and longer hair just normally) and she wears a yellow top along with a blue scarf and off shoulder sleeves that are also yellow but along with white lining on both sides. She wears a short skirt along with her shoes being pumps and her socks reaching her knees. She has golden and brown eyes. And she wears a large bow on her head. 
          I wake up as soon as the little mouse gets seen by the boy.
          Imma try to make a drawing of them in the afternoon lol it's 5:28 am here and I woke up at 5:21


Hello everyone I just woke up from a dream that was so good that I wanted to write or for someone to write either a short or long story on it depends.
          Basically the dream is about this girl who can turn into a small mouse and one day she goes into a very large cave(Reminder that she is a mouse right now but even if she was human she would still be pretty small. The thing is that she lost her ability to transform back into a human so now she has to go far and wide in search for someone.) She runs into what seems to be a small dining place just enough for two big people. She gets hungry(I guess?) and steals a chunk of meat but unfortunately a..something that was a mix between a T-Rex(For the head and upper body) Along with a faster dinosaur(Lower body with long tail) Came in and saw her and apparently the dinosaur could talk as she yelled out something and the mouse quickly jumped down and ran away as the dinosaur chased her, another dinosaur came of the same species(the dinosaur did not see the mouse and also they are outside of the cave and it is a sunny day) and the first dinosaur yelled at HER BROTHER 
          (Part two next one)