this message may be offensive
❤️ Hey guys! I have some depressing stuff to say, so let’s get on with it!~
Police are killing innocent black people just because of their race, and do you see them getting charged with murder? Nope! I hope those beautiful people Rest In Peace. They didn’t deserve that.
Every minute, someone commits suicide. I don’t blame them. I wouldn’t want to live in this horrible world either!
We are killing earth, and not doing anything about it! I wouldn’t be fucking surprised if we didn’t even live 2 more years!
Everyday, someone see’s a child, teen, or adult get murdered or kidnapped. And what do we do?! We sit there, and watch! We don’t say, “Hey, leave them alone!” No, we don’t say that at fucking all! We stay quiet and don’t say a goddamn thing!
LGBTQ members, are getting sliced open because of something they can’t help! Like, what the fuck?! We keep protesting, but that’s not getting us anywhere, is it?! I hate this stupid ass society! I’m not proud to call myself a citizen of America! Why couldn’t we just be a little less selfish and a little more generous? Why is that so hard?!
Sorry....R.I.P you innocent, beautiful souls that were killed by those cruel, tainted humans.