
No! What happened to Its Not Like I Wanted To Love You, or something? I loved that story!


Umm...... About that.... Sorry for deleting it. I had a really hard time. I hav other books which are from another account so I decided to delete this one so that I can spend more time on my other books. Really sorry about that


Oh yeah. I was wondering if you could make a story about The Gray Garden? Emalf and Yosafire ofc. It would be nice if it's fluff. But you can have it your way too. I just want to read a story about them cuz to me, they're such a cute couple. xD


@CrimsonKnightRuby haha! it's okay. Take your time! xD


Yay!!! I found another friend!! ^3^)/ I really hope I can make a good last chapter for y'all! *^* you guys always make my day..... No tears! You have no place here *le dramatically flicks tears away* Anyway, think as for the support. Ja ne~ til next time ^o^ 


Ohayo Ruby-chan! (Can I call you that?) Thank you so much for the votes and comments! And I noticed you love Kuroko *wiggles brows* XD I'm so so sorry if the story is bad.... OMG! please don't be mad!! Cuz I paired Kuroko with an OC.... Done be mad!! Please! T^T 
          Well, I hope well be good friends! See you and thanks for all the support in my book! Thank you! *cries tears of joy*


@TetsumiSBT  Yeah, u can call me that! Your book is nice! I'm a Kuroko fan but that won't stop me from reading books with a good story! Its reallyyyy niceeee!!! XD ^_^