Hello, hope everything is well with you! Looking for are to an update on saving grace. Great story so far!!
Reading Lists
A-hoy there shippers. Hope we're all well. Here's an update on the Au situation. So I have collected all votes and the verdict is that I start a new. So. I'll give it one more month. Part 2 of Au will officially be replaced on Monday, the 6th of June. ❤️ Once again. Thank you everyone for helping me out with this decision and for sticking with my crazy despite the weird turns it was taking. Stay safe ❤️ XOXO A.J.
@ShipersAnonymous Aww sis... Take all the time you need. Remember I'm here for you. Sending my love and prayers
Hello, hope everything is well with you! Looking for are to an update on saving grace. Great story so far!!
Hey there!~~ I'm just dropping by to say thank you for supporting my story, Home. I hope you enjoy reading it. :) Stay safe always! FIGHTING! <3
@ManagerOppa I absolutely loved your story! So much that I was about as silent as Jennie while I read and that's not normal for me hahaha. Couldn't put it down. Really well done ❤️hope you're staying safe too!!
A-hoy there shippers. Hope we're all well. Here's an update on the Au situation. So I have collected all votes and the verdict is that I start a new. So. I'll give it one more month. Part 2 of Au will officially be replaced on Monday, the 6th of June. ❤️ Once again. Thank you everyone for helping me out with this decision and for sticking with my crazy despite the weird turns it was taking. Stay safe ❤️ XOXO A.J.
@ShipersAnonymous Aww sis... Take all the time you need. Remember I'm here for you. Sending my love and prayers
I'm officially 23!!!!!❤️
@ShipersAnonymous Happy birthday beautiful human. May your light never grow dim and all of your dreams come true. 23 looks good on you sis
A-hoy shippers! I just realised that I hadn't posted the last chapter of Saving Grace so I could give yall a double dose. Yay!!! Enjoy XoXo
A-hoy there shippers!! Hope we're all alright! So....I've been sitting on a chapter of Au for almost a month now, I'm sorry, I just didn't think it was quiet ready yet. But It's back on track. Expect that later today. I am also, a few paragraphs away from finishing the next chapter of Saving Grace. So I'm praying that by this weekend I can give you all that update. Finally, I'm working on The One They Left Behind. We're trying something a little new with the next chapter hope you all enjoy what's to come. I must apologize to @annacarina2 for my tardiness, (the delay is all on my end shippers I'm really sorry. But I'm trying to be proactive! Let's hope this time I actually can. Incase you still haven't seen or weren't aware. All my other fics apart from the ones mentioned here have been put on hold until further notice. This is simply for me to be able to focus on a small number of plots and give you all the best content possible. Not gonna lie, I kinda lost my confidence in writing and was losing my connection to the works and the characters, But that was just a side effect of the many things that were going on in my life. But we're making progress. And by doing this I hope to be able to give you all the content you all know and love (and maybe even better!). So please be patient with me and thank you for staying by my side so far! I really appreciate you all! Love yall like family! XOXO A. J.
@ShipersAnonymous It's all good. I'm glad you are doing alright. Love you too like family ❤️
Update shippers!!! Wattpad has gotten back to me in a flash and the problem has been sorted. The other story has been taken down. As weird as this may sound, I feel for the other author cause they were just starting their own point of view. I also feel for those who were reading and genuinely enjoying the work. However, I could not simply sit by and allow my work to be used without my knowledge or consent. I cannot stress enough how much I appreciate you all. ❤️ And once again a very big thank you to the guardian angel who had my back for letting me know. ❤️I love you all família. Thank you ❤️ XOXO
@ShipersAnonymous Many thanks to the guardian angel who notified you of this development.
@ShipersAnonymous I am so glad that it has been sorted out. I do feel for that other author but if you are going to use someone's hard work, the least you can do is ask for permission first and make sure to give kudos to them too in the work. Still, no matter how much you love a work, you can't just copy everything word for word.
A-hoy there shippers! I hope you're all staying safe and doing well! I wish I could be greeting you all with better news but that is unfortunately not the case. I'm currently typing with trembling hands cause I'm in a state of shock. It was brought to my attention this morning that the first few chapters of Au have been copied, modified (barely) and republished under a different account. Shippers, please let me make this clear to you all now. I only post my fics here, on AO3 and on Tumblr and all under the same name (shipersanonymous). So if you ever find work resembling mine under a different name please let me know and help me report. We're in the business of fan fiction. So taking something thats already been done and giving it a new spin is normal. However, I believe that out of respect for eachother and eachothers crafts the least we can do is credit and notify if we're coping verbatim. With that being said. Thank you to the angel that brought this to my attention. I cannot thank you enough. And thank you shippers who have read and supported Au (and me) so far. ❤️ I love yall família ❤️ XOXO
@annacarina2 thank you sis! And its alright everything was soeted in the end. And by the looks of it I wasn't the only victim.
@ShipersAnonymous No way!!!!!! That is so not cool. I am definitely going to inform you and report it as soon as I find anything. I am so sorry sis.....
Good day everyone! Hope we’re all doing well and keeping safe. Yours truly is conducting a research project on how being a fan and a member of a fandom can affect one’s self-concept. I’m looking for volunteers to interview between the ages of 18-30. If you are interested or would like more information regarding the project and the interview process please: •Leave me a comment bellow and I will message you privately. •Message me privately with any enquiries. •Or email me on: shipersannonymous@gmail.com Please help a fellow fan/shipper out! I look forward to hearing from you! Have a great day! XOXO A. J.
@ShipersAnonymous Hey sis. I would love to help you with your research but you already know that. Don't you?
Hey there shippers. I'm breaking my radio silence here So I've had a tiny problem with my laptop and I thought it was an easy fix but... Well my lack of updates should speak for themselves. I'm trying my best to get it all sorted as soon as possible while retyping what I remember of the chapters I'd been working on, on my phone. Just bare with me a little, and pray I can get it sorted without having to erase all the data . So many future fic's lives are hanging on by a thread (sighs dramatically*). Besides that slightly sad news. Shippers, I hope yall have a great holiday season!! ❤️ It's been a hard year for everyone but our will to push through and our trying is what matters most. Here's to a good Christmas and a much better next year ❤️ keep spreading positivity, we've had enough negativity to last us all fifty life times. XOXO
@ShipersAnonymous Hey Sis.... You don't have to worry about it. We totally understand. I have no doubt that your next update will blow my mind. I have faith in you sis. Wishing you a merry christmas in advance and hoping to hear from you in 2021. Sending you sunshine and lots of positive vibes..
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