
Hey guys it’s been a long time but I am never on this account (I don’t know why) but I will be replying to all the dms on my other account @xXVanyaNightmareXx if you want to talk also I am now poly and have a boyfriend as well as a girlfriend wow!! I’m cool hehe yeah!! So follow the account above to find out who!!


For some reason it doesn’t show..


Hey guys it’s been a long time but I am never on this account (I don’t know why) but I will be replying to all the dms on my other account @xXVanyaNightmareXx if you want to talk also I am now poly and have a boyfriend as well as a girlfriend wow!! I’m cool hehe yeah!! So follow the account above to find out who!!


For some reason it doesn’t show..


Ok..! Guys I'm so sorry i haven't updated my crush x reader book. I've honestly lost ideas for it, and since i'm on my other account more talking to my girlfriend I have focused more on my relationship than writing. But i will update it soon in the matter of 1 day or 2 weeks because i have assignments for school to finish so please don't be mad at me. BUT if you want to talk to me and give me ideas for new books or new oneshots go onto @Venus-Chan and pm there since i am using that account as my main now. Again i'm sorry and i hope non of you are mad at me for not being active


Hey guys...! So I just wanted to say this..! Your author~chan is no longer a single Pringle..!


@ShipperQueen123 congratulations! Me to xD


Ok so hey it’s me. I just wanted to thank you all for the support and reading my book...! It’s now up to 45k and I wanted to celebrate it with you guys by letting you ask my questions here on this announcement and I’ll answer them on a chapter on my book. So answer away..!


If you guys want a fanfiction idea please tell me I want to start writing again.


@Cait_The_Demon yeah I would love to.:!


Would you be interested in writing an anime fanfiction?


@ShipperQueen123 Your bio says you are lmao