
Thanks for the supporting my book! But in return would like you like to be added to my book? Like the nalu book.☺️


So what name would you like and what magic and how do you look like?




I just read the first chappy


I appreciate you encouraging my story! I love knowing that people enjoy reading my story. Thanks for all the votes/comments-no...Thanks for the  support! It means alot!
          Inuyasha: Yeah, it's pretty cool. *looks the other way*
          Kagome: Yeah! Thank you so much!
          Sango: I would also like to say-*SLAP* Lecherous monk!
          Miroku: *rubbing cheek* Now, Now, Sango. No need to be so mean. 
          Koga: Thanks. *puts a hand around Kagome* I might even let you in the Wolf Tribe.
          Inuyasha: *grawls*
          Koga: What's wrong with you mut?
          Me: Stop! Now who's next?
          Naraku: *looks at you dead in the eye* *chuckles* Thanks for the support.
          Kik-ho-Opps I mean Kikyo: Hi Inu-baby!
          Kagome: *grawls*
          Kik-ho (I can't help it):  Oh! Look! Kagome really is a animal! Just like she smells! Come on Inu-baby! Let's go! Wooooohoooooooo!!!
          Kagome: Back off, Kik-ho!
          Kik-ho: Why should I you-
          Me: *pushes them apart* Quit it! We are all saying thank you! Now say thank you.
          Kikyo: Ugh. Whatever. *flips hair* Thanks.*looks at nails*
          Me:Better, (mumbles) Now stop being a hoe...
          Kikyo: WHAT DID YOU SAY!?
          Inuyasha: *chuckles/smirks*
          Kagome: Ha true!
          Sango: You said it.
          Miroku: I also agree
          Koga: Weren't we all thinking that?
          Naraku: I think Kikyo is perfect
          Me:*rolls eyes* Only because your a psychopath.
          Naraku: What!? 
          Me: Bye! Thanks a bunch!
          Everyone: BYE!!! (everyone waves)