
THANKS FOR MAKING CONVICTED my larry au story to TOP 5 of the convicted ranking <3 (the writing is so bad I know, blame the 16-year-old me).


HI! Long time no see! I just checked this account after 4 years of not posting anything. I've graduated from college and have been working as a ghostwriter/editor for US authors. Seeing your comments and follows - after 4 years of being on hiatus just made my heart soft :( Thank you so much for the support even with no updates whatsoever. I kept a lot of my works on my laptop, that thankfully I could fix, I will be editing my stuff here as well because let me tell you 16-year-old me was NOT a good writer HAHAHAHA. Thank you again, after 4 years - I'm back... and yes, I still ship Harry and Louis - fight me.


Hey guys, im really not going to post anything anymore, so i unpublished all my incomplete works, you can still enjoy Painting Deathly Secrets, but that's going to remain unpublished until i can consider myself worth writing the ending...sorry guys. i hope you understand :(