
this message may be offensive
I'm so upset chapter 1 of babycakes just fucking disappeared and I want to cry. GOD DAMNIT I'm going work on skylox fanfic now >:(


*la gasp!* thank you for 100 followers! ^w^ I actually have no words..! I love each and every one of brahs! Again thank you for all the support,you brahs mean a lot to me. I love all of you and I'll see ya later! <3 <3 <3/)>w<(\ ehhh <3


Hey brahs! 71 followers thank you! And also guess what day it is! My Bday! Gosh 14,so tomorrow's Friday and I get to type the new chapter! But I'm going to work on it right now,but not a lot cause homework._. But yea love you brahs and see ya later bye! ♥️♥️




Ayyy thank you for 69 followers!! And also happy very late New Years! 2016 is for me right now...ummm...-_- nope,but yea hopefully 2016 isn't another crappy year like 2015(( well some of 2015 was alright! Like sky aka Adam's baby Mason -w-)) so yes again thank you for the support and I'm working on the skylox smut oneshots right now. 69 followers! 69...... I'm so sorry,love you brahs and talk to you later! Bai!