Hi, I have really enjoyed your masked singer stories as I love the way you write the characters. Especially the artwork you do. I am currently writing a Masked Singer fanfiction called If Everything could be this real forever, it's basically a retelling of Naughty Dog and HBO's The Last of Us but with TMSUK characters. Badger and Panda are the two lead characters. Robin, Bushbaby, Sausage, Viking and Traffic Cone play supporting roles as well. Chapter one is out now and I'm planning to write more. I was wondering if you could do art for my story? I'll send you ideas for what specific art I want and what characters to include. Any art you do, you can just message me them on reddit. I hope that's okay as I don't know if you're busy or not. Thank you.

@theslayer678 I've got a few ideas for the artwork I want for this story so I'll share what I want for the first two chapters. For the first chapter, I'd like a drawing of Badger carrying Bushbaby that is similar to Joel carrying his daughter Sarah in the prologue just before she dies. I'd like a drawing of Badger and Panda together that resembles Joel and Ellie that I could use for the second chapter and potentially a book cover. I hope that's helpful.

@theslayer678 Thank you so much, I'm glad you liked it. I have a few ideas in mind and I'll send them to you.