
So, it’s been a while since I’ve been online. Lots have happened recently, I’ve put more focus into my art, I’ve started a new school and will be making an animation for the schools art exhibition in spring. Which is all good, but at last as life is there is always some bad moments. I had gotten in a car crash and injured my knee which is in the proof getting better. 
          	I feel like since I have not been on here people have left, changed completely some being for the better while others for worse. And it makes me happy knowing that even if I’m not online here other than once a blue moon that there are people still checking in every now and then.


So, it’s been a while since I’ve been online. Lots have happened recently, I’ve put more focus into my art, I’ve started a new school and will be making an animation for the schools art exhibition in spring. Which is all good, but at last as life is there is always some bad moments. I had gotten in a car crash and injured my knee which is in the proof getting better. 
          I feel like since I have not been on here people have left, changed completely some being for the better while others for worse. And it makes me happy knowing that even if I’m not online here other than once a blue moon that there are people still checking in every now and then.


Hello everyone. How your day going? Are you drinking enough water and eating? Don’t forget to get good rest as well!^^
          Here is some random bits of what I’m working on 
          Q: Why aren’t Harpies and Centaurs separate ancestries, wouldn’t they be technically a therainthropy?
          A: I can see why you’d think that, and the reasons to think so are valid- But, that isn’t true. Therianthropy are creature who have human and animal characteristics, and before you say “But Harpies and Centaurs also have human and animal characteristics?” Listen to my explanation, though they both do share animal and human characteristics the difference is in genes. Harpies and Centaurs live in parts of the region they live in where only there kind live. Harpies live in the tall mountains and cliffs that are separated from the main land by the water, and Centaurs tho sharing a region with the Therianthropy people don’t interact much and have their territory lines. so if you’ve caught on they only reproduce and live with their own kind, were as Therianthropy people have a wide variety. Say one has the animal characteristics of a lion while the other is say a wolf those are two different animal genes so technically no Therianthropy has pure genetics unless say two wolf Therianthropy people reproduce. 


I’d like to add that I will probably not be on longer than once a blue moon due to forgetting, and that tho there are good and kind people on here they were many here who helped bring my mental health down a lot and I’d like to avoid going into that again so I’m keeping time on the app minimum 


@Shiro_C0ffee_Rat understandable! I took a super long break as well and idk if u even remember me anymore XD do what’s best for you and don’t stress to much <3 sure life will be full of ups and downs but the fact that you’re working on yourself is really really good :D


Hello everyone! If you have forgotten I’m Shay or Shiro. I haven’t been online due to mental health and working on self care. I don’t plan on being online much, but when I do I aim to check on everyone’s day and how you all are doing. I will try to post books I’ve been working on but I cannot say for sure that I will.


Someone told me that I text so dry and that my vocabulary sounds like I am either angry or to formal like wtf


Hello everyone, how your day going? Make sure you all staying hydrated and eat even if it’s only a bit, take care of yourself please!^^


@Lesbian-Psycho oh ok, bye! Have a great day and take care!^^


@Lesbian-Psycho yeah, when I first started homeschooling it was just completely loneliness and having hours of the day to just sit in silence makes you realize some stuff.