
I found out five minutes ago ig I’m going squirrel hunting in the morning with my dad? And now he is coming and surprise attacking me with memory questions about the four main safety rules TvT I swear he coming out of the ways when I least expect it
          	Me: (trying to brush my teeth and wash my face)
          	Him: (appears out of nowhere) “WHAT DOES “T” STAND FOR!!”
          	Me: “ah!? What the?… Treat all guns as if they were loaded even if you know it’s not.”
          	Him: “”hmm yes…NOW WHAT DOES A STAND FOR!!!
          	Me: (me thinking why is he doing his military drill Sargent voice??? Save that for work!!) “Always maintain proper muzzle control.”
          	Him: “hmm ok…I’ll be back later..”
          	Me: (me thinking oh god I he is gonna wake me up at 4am with some questions fuckkkkk)


@Shiro_C0ffee_Rat good thing im an ary cadet im required to know this


Hi big bro, we haven't talked in a long while... How are you? I'm doing fine, I've been studying a lot more. How's your partner doing? I'm not sure if you two are still together, not gonna lie. Hopefully, you two are! I haven't asked my crush out yet, haha. 


I found out five minutes ago ig I’m going squirrel hunting in the morning with my dad? And now he is coming and surprise attacking me with memory questions about the four main safety rules TvT I swear he coming out of the ways when I least expect it
          Me: (trying to brush my teeth and wash my face)
          Him: (appears out of nowhere) “WHAT DOES “T” STAND FOR!!”
          Me: “ah!? What the?… Treat all guns as if they were loaded even if you know it’s not.”
          Him: “”hmm yes…NOW WHAT DOES A STAND FOR!!!
          Me: (me thinking why is he doing his military drill Sargent voice??? Save that for work!!) “Always maintain proper muzzle control.”
          Him: “hmm ok…I’ll be back later..”
          Me: (me thinking oh god I he is gonna wake me up at 4am with some questions fuckkkkk)


@Shiro_C0ffee_Rat good thing im an ary cadet im required to know this


                      UPCOMING BOOK!!
          “My life has been on of much shame. A bloody animation—one that has caused harm to many.”
          This story is a tale about the a vampire named “Koa Ryoko” who’s life was bloodied and Dark, until his view on the world and life had been changed by a singular person who opened Koa’s eyes to the wonders of life and gave him a reason to live on despite the blood on his hands, and gave his life a second chance to grow into something better.
          Would you read this book, based on the description?


I love taking showers in the dark. Just turn off the lights get in the shower turn it on as hot as you can handle and just let the water run, I personally like to start it scalding hot and let it slowly get to freezing waters. It’s very relaxing and comforting. :)


Someone told me that I text so dry and that my vocabulary sounds like I am either angry or to formal like wtf