
Hiii cupcakes! Okay, so my friend is new to Watty and she needs reads! so go to aka my friend Filzahbob's page, and hit her story, 'Lucinda' some likes! Would mean a lot! xx 


Hello (Sorry for the message)
          Our community i.e.,  Indian Legion is hosting a Blog book (Voice of Wild) for the all the writers/bloggers/readers where you can read the blogs written by fellow wattpaders and you can submit your blogs on different topics. Your blog will be published in our book.
          Please give a try and I know you won't be disappointed.
          Thank you.
          Have a great day/night.
          Stay safe 



So I just had a random fanfic idea: Harry is in One Direction but he's not a good guy. like he gets rude and does bad stuff just a lil bit and he meets this girl and she's a mutual friend and he grows close to her eventually falling in love with her. she dies and he's in a trauma. he changed because of her and she die because of him. he feels as if he needs to turn bad in order to return the beauty of character she gave him . and he doesn't know if he can stay in the band. 
          I just really like this plot. its reeling inside my head rn and the gears are turning and I can actually turn this into a story.
          it sounds simple rn coz I can't give away the whole plot now can I?it'll be short but it'll be beautiful tho. and I think you'd like it. tell me if I should turn this into a story, need your views guys! x 


@mikayla00 thank you so much love! You're the first one to actually give some feedback, means the WORLD. x


@SharryTheWriter I really like this idea, and I think It will turn out great. go for it!!  


this message may be offensive
Hi guys! So sorry for not updating lately! Life has been a pain recently; finals and tests and projects and competitions and I know I'm not the only one going through this in this whole world but when I write, I like to have my complete attention on the incentive at hand. So once again, I apologise. I'll update a chapter of Think Again so that you guys get a little glimpse at at least SOMETHING though I'm so sorryyy! Love ya all, stay fab, stay on Tommo's side or I'll kill you in your sleep! kiddinggg xD x