*sigh* yesterday was Valentine's day, i can't believe all the males at my classroom fought for one girl.... freaking Valentine's day...that is gonna be the worst day for me...those shithead's fought for one girl,i don't know what they see in her...she like manipulated all of them, except for me of course, I changed so I'm not the person they used to know before....i was nice,happy,loyal,and helpful but i changed i became brutal,cold,neutral,a hater, I'm filled with rage and pain...hmm...now thinking about it.i maybe evil after all but....it seems like ink,blue,aria,alex,genya,ally,orange,jp,kittie,kiel,mynt,ada,aiman,and chara they don't even care if I'm like this,they always say "dude you are not alone, you have us,we are friends forever,no matter what you do, we're still your friend and we will be here for you" ....they always say that,and they even say,i always self pity myself.......am i......really worthless?do i care about them?why should i live?......i think I'm the problem here....plus today at school something bad happened.... I'm just gonna end this message here....