So after a very unfortunate week of personal tribulation and mental pain..... I've kind of just lost my spark. I probably won't be writing for a while. Doubt I'll STOP writing... but I won't be making any progress on any stories for a while.
So after a very unfortunate week of personal tribulation and mental pain..... I've kind of just lost my spark. I probably won't be writing for a while. Doubt I'll STOP writing... but I won't be making any progress on any stories for a while.
Many of my stories will not be getting updated for quite some time as I am working on my most recent story: Legend of the Jarlends. I will try to post one chapter per week of that story, but do note that, due to this, I won't be working on anything else. I am not abandoning any other stories, just focusing elsewhere
This is more of a random spiel, but I feel like I've made nearly no "original" content with my books. All of them are either fanfiction or based off an existing property. Don't get me wrong I enjoy writing those, but then I look elsewhere to see people who have made a whole world from the ground up, and it kinda just feels like I can't do that.... or at least do it well.
Has anyone had a ton of great ideas for books, but you also have a lot of books you need to get done but have little to no motivation to write anything for them?
@Shogeki15 I find motivation comes if I have a lot of things to bounce to and from. I'm not feeling like recording a narration? I write. I can't figure out how to write something- I knit or draw or work on another fic.