Thank you so much! I'll try my best. And the side project I have going for Cuffed may be a little bit longer, but who knows, it's still on going. But I'm really happy that you enjoyed the story! Xo
I agree with your bio but don't read Skyping... yeah ik it really well written and I read it two times but I bawled my eyes out both times... I normally don't really cry in fanfic but in this one I cried like in tfios... so don't read it if you want to be happy.
@elianaram456 I LOVE YOU. I just want to tell you, that on July 21 I am going to see PTX and Kelly Clarkson. I am really excited. The only reason I am telling you is because all I have been telling my dad is "I AM GOING TO SEE MITCH GRASSI ON STAGE"