Good Day Sarah! I wanted to express my appreciation that you're one of my followers, likely because of novellas like: The Pack’s Girl My Little Succubus An Unwilling Mate Sociopathic Seduction Or The Ravening Since you're already one of my followers, I wanted to personally invite you to support me on my Patreon Page, where I have extended versions of some of the novellas available here. There are also early access updates to my ongoing novellas no matter what tier you select. You can also get exclusive access to some novellas I’m only putting on my Patreon Page. If you’d like to come on over and peek around and see what’s there, you can find me at: https://www.patreon.com/K_K_S_?fan_landing=true I hope to talk to you further in future!

Thank you for following me! You are marvelous!

@VTBonds Wow! That's fantastic! I am so thrilled! I'm actually in the process of expanding over to Amazon. And I'm writing a Halloween short story right now! If you go to my Facebook you can vote on the contents! Keep on being wonderful!

Your books and your reading list kept me up a good part of the night. I should be thanking you! You are an incredibly engaging writer. Please keep it up!

Thank you so much for reading and voting on Binary Love! I really appreciate it and I hope you continue to enjoy the story! :D

Your book is so much fun! I will definitely keep reading. I've got my own theories on where it'll end up...

Thanks a million for voting for Solstice!!!! It means so much to me thank you for your support

@slinkeytornado it was a genuine pleasure reading your book. Please continue writing as often as possible!

Hi Sarah! Thank you for voting for chapters 1 and 27 of Mermaids and the Vampires Who Love Them! I am so happy you liked them and hope you enjoy the rest as well! Brittanie :D

@SarahSires oh wow! Thank you! It'd be awesomely awesome if you could vote for any of the other chapters you liked. No worries either way, but they do help. :) Britt

@BrittanieCharmintine I loved the whole book! you have a great talent. Keep writing please! love you!