
Why do people write hate without a reason? They always write "this is so bad, I hate it". Yeah, all hate is often bad but if you really need to hate then can you at least really write why? What part annoys you? They could at least explain or write and argument why? Otherwise it's just another mean meaningless comment.


@ShortFandomGirl I agree with your sentence.


Why do people write hate without a reason? They always write "this is so bad, I hate it". Yeah, all hate is often bad but if you really need to hate then can you at least really write why? What part annoys you? They could at least explain or write and argument why? Otherwise it's just another mean meaningless comment.


@ShortFandomGirl I agree with your sentence.


I finished reading 'Love Simon' 2 days ago and I just saw the movie. It was the most beautiful and heart breaking movie I've ever seen. I shed so many tears, happy and sad, and I laughed. Love Simon is a movie everyone should see, straight or queer or questioning, it doesn't matter.