
To: My Constellations
          	Chapters 7 to 11 were published at 22 10 IST on 28th of Feb.
          	~ Without Wax,




Umm…Hi, again. Any updates?:((


            I'll leave it here, then?
            It'll help me when I'm talking to Luka.
            Tell me if you want it removed, yeah?


To: My Eclipses
          @Mariah_writes_15 has changed her username to @yofavauthorm15.
          She's also a pathological liar, with a victim mentality, as I have found out.
          She's said that she was lying about being a minor and is actually of legal age (18 if what I think she said).
          Whether or not she is lying about this is beyond me, but I advise minors in particular to block her and stay away (after reporting, of course).
          If you are of legal stay, still, please be careful (and block and report her), because, as I have said earlier, she literally doesn't care what age you are and will harass you nevertheless. 
          I hope all of you are doing okay.
          ~ Without Wax,


            You're welcome :)
            I believe that she deleted her account, or it was removed by Wattpad.
            However, she might return, so just keep a lookout.


            Shes gone! Unless changed username again?


            Oh my, reminds me or Rissi drama once upon a time. Thanks for heads up as im on way to block and report!


To: My Eclipses
          Please report @Mariah_writes_15.
          She harasses people on either their or her conversation boards, then asks the chat to be deleted or deletes the chat. 
          She's also a minor, 16 years of age, and interacts in such a way with both minors and adults.
          Moreover, please block (because I haven't found enough evidence to report) @ItheweekendI .
          The followed me right after Mariah did and seemed to know each other...
          Honestly, I'm just getting bad vibes since they were really insistent with having me follow them, and I just want all of you to be alright.
          Stay safe, my dear Eclipses <3
          ~ Without Wax,


          that mariah guy is kinda sweet talking but just harassed me so if u wanna block em im just letting u know
          also i think they went through my followers and mb to follow my friends and stalk yk what i mean
          idiots ruining the day ;)


            yea we should look out ill tell you if anything happens 
            it wont be too smart to come back to us
            cuz we kinda know who she is now and her tricks wont rll work


            That is certainly a disturbing possibility. 
            Regardless, gender doesn't really matter in this case.
            Harassment is harassment and proper actions must be taken in spite of all other factors. 
            Thank you for your permission.
            I'll be sure to ask BehnazRad, too :)
            Yes, I think so.
            She probably deleted her account, or it could have been removed by Wattpad as well.
            In any case, she might try to create another one, so we must be on the lookout.
            But, it could also be possible that she won't interact with us again, so we might be alright.
            She seems spiteful, though, so I wouldn't count on it.
            We still need to be careful.


cat :3


            heh yes hi 
            im about to nap again ;)


To: My Constellations
          This is an official announcement:
          If I don't update this Friday, I probably never will. 
          I'm just kidding.
          But I'm also kinda not?
          See, before my exams, I had a set structure, and it worked. Now, after exams, the entire thing crumbled to ashes, and it's really difficult to build it back up—even more so than I thought.
          And, while I know, consciously, that things like writer's block and the phase of absolute unwillingness to edit happen to every author...
          I'm still disappointed in myself for making so many false promises (I'll update Friday, then Monday, then Wednesday... and now it's also 3 weeks). 
          So, for my lies, I apologise, and I hope you'll forgive me. 
          I promise to get back on track quickly and continue to improve myself. 
          This Friday, I will post 6-7 chapters.
          Uh, another thing, I've heard that posting too many chapters gets reported as spam, so... any way to overcome this???
          Once, again, I'm sorry. 
          Please take care of yourselves <3
          ~ Without Wax,


Hey kiddo! How are you?? It's sushi here! I wasnt active much these days and wanted to check on! Hope you're doing fine! 
          With love, 


            I'm doing well too!
            A little stressed and a little irritated, but nothing I can't handle :D
            I will take care!
            You take care too, okay?


@ShortSassyCuteClassy I missed you a lot! And enjoy your vacation!!! I'm doing well wbuu?? Also take care baby!!


            I missed you a lot!
            I'm doing well :D
            My exams ended on the 19th and I'm 5 days into my vacation!
            I've been wanting to update but a mix of my writer's block and the nightmare that is editing is really irritating.
            Nevertheless, I hope to see you at Wednesday's update! 
            (Assuming I will actually post.)
            How you doing?