
@Tri3LyriX Hehe thanks. Maybe when I write something that I'm actually proud of I'll consider letting people bask in its wonderfulness. 


@Shovel   well even though ppl don't read its about presentation and just having pride in your stuff you gott do things for yourself  that others will appreciate it though and or be  attracted to checking it out
           as for talking to a garden instrument i can dig it X D hehe ( horrible jk lol )
           If you write for you thats good but ppl have ADD so pretty pictures might draw them in or just sharing advertising etc ? what you think


@Tri3LyriX (Geh. And they proceed to speak to the shovel. I wonder if they realize how ridiculous they seem right now, talking to a garden tool. ;___;) 
          I wish it were that easy, but I have OCD or something. I feel like they're ALL worth reading, I mean, people did put time and effort into them, and thus my first impulse is to read them. As for my stories, I really don't mind much if people don't read them, so I won't bother with covers. I just write for the sake of it.


@Shovel lol well you can read whatever catch you and  disgard what doesn't simple as that but i'm thankful i atleast past the intial stage of it all.
          Glad u been enjoying wattpad ^_^ and see you posted stories etc. you should check out the banner and post section the can make you a cover its in clubs
          = ) later and socially impaired shovel pssssh your good mate 


@Tri3LyriX *stares* You... you're talking to m-me? Um..errr... (oh gosh what do I do in this situation...? I told them not to talk to me but oh no, they just had poke fun at the poor socially impaired shovel. Oh woe is me.)
          Anywho~ Wattpad's been pretty cool so far. I'm only kinda regretting putting up that 'Need literature' post cause now I have, like, two dozen stories to get through. On the other hand, they all seem very enticing, yours included, so I suppose it's not entirely a bad thing. Thanks for sharing yours! Ta-ta for now~


@Shovel = ) i read ur thing and well I decided that despite  ur social awkwardness I'll approach you because well hey you approached my book adn regardless ur human so tht count X D. Nice to meet you and welcome to wattpad  i'm not a ninja but I just hope you been enjoying your stay and finding it interesting.
           on a side note i'd like to thank you for adding 7 Deadly Sins to your library and i do hope you continue reading and leave any  comments you have and vote for your favorite chapters kk  laterz