
I have updated a new cover by one of my friend for the story My love is my everything. Plz check out. I will update next chapter in 2 or 3 days. 
          	I have one request if anyone have posted werewolves stories which includes alpha king & a werewolf  (girl) who has gone to a warrior academy & her parents & her sis planned to snatch her mate who is alpha. His name is Ryan. She came to her hometown as an alpha warrior & saw that her mate &sis standing together. After some drama she went back . There the alpha king took interest in her. She has two wolves. I know the story but I have forgotten the title & names of every characters. I really want to watch the story. Plz help me. 
          	Thank you so much for all the votes. 


Hey there! Sorry for posting without permission. Hope you are doing good. If your time permits please check out my stories and give me your valuable comments on them. I would love to know your thoughts on my story.
          Happy Reading
