I don't understand anime and don't know if I will ever.
I like the anime art style. It's stunning. But for some reason when I see it "animated" It looks like someone who for some reason only knows how to do lip sync
So maybe that's not what is so popular about it...
Anyways. The 2 animes I watched in the past are Glitter Force (tf was that though?) and Naruto (I stopped quickly because I don't understand some plot choices, for example, The fact that Naruto has the 9 tail fox in him. It was addressed at the beginning and wasn't valuable for a while)
So, I am calling all my weeb friends on the internet to give me suggestions on anime shows that you think I'm going to enjoy! My only requirements are that I can find the show easily on Disney +, Netflix, or Youtube.
I'll most likely be judging them by their characters and storyline. (Since, no offense, I don't think that the animation can't be smooth)