
Sorry I havent updated in a while now. I'll try to update whenever I can, just been very lazy and not that motivated.


Hey Besties! That was weird sorry! My friends and I are obsessed with the word Bestie for some reason. 
          Anywho I have a question for you all. If you guys want to answer go ahead. If you don't it ok. The question is What hobby have you always wanted to develop? 
          For me, I always wanted to be good at music or art. My mom always wanted me to be good at both but I have more of an interest in art than music but being a band sounds so much fun. I wish I was good at something. The only thing I am good at is being lazy. When you got friends that are so much better than you.  TT^TT
          ALSO, Do yall play Roblox? It's fun.


@AggelosIsAngel also I am the weird person with teh sprite shirt


@AggelosIsAngel I’ll add you I am Elephant65536


Next Chapter of Demigods Raised on Olympus is out! Also, to those who got summer school. I wish you good luck cuz I have it too and its not fun. School during summer that is just sad. Also , Happy Pride Month to you all.


TO THOSE WHO HAD THERE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL! YALL ARE FREE FROM THE PAIN! It was my last day of school kinda happy but sad at the same time. :I
          I guess free from doing work unless you study over the summer! I mean sometimes I do but most time I just play games and sleep.


@Shrieze Oh no mine's is the same it's just till friday and then we're gonna do the samething you do but we have to stay in the zoom the entire time


@SheyG02 that must suck! Our school is online and basically all the kids in my class just join the zoom link to count for attendance. Then we start watching YouTube and playing games instead of doing school. Personally I do the same! The teachers always think we productive when really we doing anything but school...


Y’all get updates next week! I got finals for 2 more days! As long as I don’t die you guys get updates! Hopefully I don’t die I got 4 more finals and big assignments! So y’all updates next week for sure cuz summer is almost here! : )


@SheyG02 That’s sad, but Time goes by fast and summer will come soon and school will be over and you can spend all your time reading! : )


@AggeloslsAngel lol but thanks for the follow!  


@Shrieze Let's go I got summer starting at the end of the month