Hello!...Dear readers, I'm Shrishtikasaumya. There is something that makes my life even more special- my writing skills....I write, whether it's the darkest of nights or the brightest of days. With my writing, I hope to discover more of myself and dish out limitless servings of entertainment to my readers...Instagram i'd- @Shrishtikasaumya4
  • IscrittoFebruary 27, 2024


Storie di Shrishtikasaumya4
Every meeting has a fixed time  di Shrishtikasaumya4
Every meeting has a fixed time
Every meeting has a fixed time. But time is not known...Till then we are floating as souls in the heavenly sk...
बचपन di Shrishtikasaumya4
बचपन जीवन का वह चरण है जिसका हम आनंद ले सकते हैं। जीवन का वह हिस्सा जिसे हम जितना भी चाहें, वापस नहीं पा सकते।
तुम्हारे कभी नहीं  di Shrishtikasaumya4
तुम्हारे कभी नहीं
एक तरफ़ा प्यार भी एक खुबसूरत दास्ताँ है।