✨Hello Everyone!✨

Welcome to my Wattpad page! I hope to have a few stories up eventually but I tend to struggle with writer's block [since I don't tend to get out that often]. I like focusing on fantasy and stories that are based around the LGBT+ community, but not everyone is comfortable when it comes to same sex relationships. So, if you are not comfortable with the relationships I will kindly ask you to leave unless if you are willing to keep any negative comments to yourself and just be a civil being.

⁉️Disclaimer Time!⁉️
I tend to base a few of my characters' backstories around events that may make some people uncomfortable. I will try and put the disclaimer before a chapter if that is the case so that there are no surprises but just so that everyone knows, I'll but a warning here too!

Besides that, I hope to gain some more followers after I get some stories going and maybe a fan base around a few of my characters! Please leave feedback on my Wattpad when it comes to my stories because it helps me know what to improve on and what everyone wants to see!

~Shu <3
  • Cleveland, Ohio
  • JoinedSeptember 5, 2017

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