
Hey, you up for a chat


@Shubh030201 True, and this is going to happen, no doubt in that. And that is what I intend to do, slowly and steadily, the humans will realise what is going to happen. Seeing on how vile beings like these are let to go free, and their own gods allowing injustice like this to happen will cause faith to be lost and the Supernatural will suffer culminating in their final demises


@RageRevan yes I understand, But you are forgetting something important and that is Fallen Angels and Devil's, they are the natural enemy of human society, so what do you think will happen when it will be revealed that a reincarnated half Devil was being praised as a hero, while the real hero who in their eye's is a human and their savior was treated as a trash, so adding to the fact that for human's this two factions are their sworn enemy and seeing them responsible for turning the entire world against humanities greatest hero would definitely make them wish for their respective factions and pantheons to take action against these two factions who are the enemy humanity.
            So no matter what there is no excuse that the human leaders and the entire humanity wouldn't take action against their natural enemy and also the enemy of gods as well. I hope you are getting what I am saying. And the same goes for youkai faction they are nothing special and have always been said to be a threat to humanity so of course after learning of their existence you seriously think humans won't act against these beings who are said to be their enemy?


@Shubh030201  I hope this clears your doubts, what are your thoughts on this? And let me know if there is any other doubt