
Hi everyone, so I I know it's been at least 5 months, but I'm just here to let y'all know I'm not dead. I got multiple messages from accounts and Wattpad (someone reported me ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ), nothing happened I was just locked out of my account due to forgetting my password. I cleaned my room and found the old sticky note with my password on it, and was able to get back in. I'm going to re write my works, but it might be a while because I'm super busy. 


@Shuichi_Saihara_Gay happy to see you’re alive!


@Shuichi_Saihara_Gay I'm gald you're okay, I was hoping that your alright. I hope you the best and don't stress yourself. :>


Hi everyone, so I I know it's been at least 5 months, but I'm just here to let y'all know I'm not dead. I got multiple messages from accounts and Wattpad (someone reported me ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ), nothing happened I was just locked out of my account due to forgetting my password. I cleaned my room and found the old sticky note with my password on it, and was able to get back in. I'm going to re write my works, but it might be a while because I'm super busy. 


@Shuichi_Saihara_Gay happy to see you’re alive!


@Shuichi_Saihara_Gay I'm gald you're okay, I was hoping that your alright. I hope you the best and don't stress yourself. :>


So uh hi. This is my alt acc and I'm currently locked out of my main. My main acc used to be smth else, I just repurposed it to be what I have now and it has my old email attached to it, so until I can remember the password to either my email or my acc I'm locked out. I'll keep y'all posted.


this message may be offensive
(TW, kinda vent) Well I don't know what's going on anymore. My mom recently found out about my sh, my health is not very good, my mental health has gone to shit, I keep getting these insanely hard to ignore urges to hurt myself badly, my therapist is quiting her job which means all the progress I've made with my anxiety over therapists is going to restart and nothing will help, a friend of mine is always complaining and seems to be miserable and in worried it's my fault, I was going to kill myself, it's been a hard year over all, I'm getting urges to stop eating again after I made so much progress, I'm constantly sick or injured, I genuinely don't know what to do, my nightmares aren't getting better, I'm barely sleeping, and I have a lot more going on. I don't know when I'll write again, I barely have the mental capacity to breathe, and if it wasn't automatic I would've stopped long ago. I'll try to update but I don't know if that will be possible.


@Shuichi_Saihara_Gay I hope everything will go back to normal, we all understand what you've been through. I had taken breaks and focus on myself sometimes, and you should too. Don't let the negative enegry get into you, always think on the positive thought. Take a month or 2 month break and you deserve to have it, always focus on mental health. Everyone and your followers understand and how much you suffer at home. Always think that everyone here really cares for and are seriously worried about this all mental health of yours. Ending your life right there isn't a good idea and never think that. I have been thinking suicidal thoughts sometimes but I always had someone there for me. If you need to talk to someone then you should. This time make sure you take a month break and focus on your health. Always do and we're here if you have any problems. God bless you and your health :)


@MarkedOne1320 well now I don't want to take a break bc I want cat pictures mailed to me every day


(TW) so I was talking to an AI and is it really that bad if my parents threaten to beat me? They hardly ever go through with it but is the threat part really that bad?


@Shuichi_Saihara_Gay :
            I don't think so. It might be because they do this to me all the time and I've probably just feown used to it, but I don't think it's that harmful if they don't go through with it.


Happiness has to be fought for


@MarkedOne1320 mentally I'm kinda fine rn but physically not really 


To everyone who read my post last night, thank you all for the support and for all of your kind words, it means the world to me. 
          (HUGE TW, SUICIDE)
          though it's my fault for wording it badly, that wasn't a "I'm quitting writing" or "I'm quitting wattpad", it was a suicide note. As you can tell by the fact that I'm making this post, I'm fine now. My best friend helped me work that all out, which I'm very thankful for, but I don't know what I'm gonna be doing about my writing. I need some time to process this, but I have no idea how this will effect my mental health, because every other time this happened, no one stopped me. I will try to write again, but I don't know if that'll be able to happen right now. I may end up taking a small break again, but I don't know yet. Thanks for being here and reading and following despite my shitty everything, y'all are awesome.


@Shuichi_Saihara_Gay I love ya to the moon and back and I’m so happy you’re still here, take as much time as you need, I’m sure no one will mind of it takes a bit longer.