Hello, author! It’s been quite some time since I browsed your profile due to my tight schedule. The last time I did was to reread your story “I Love You, Sir,” only to find that it had been unpublished. I read your replies regarding this, and I totally understand, so I didn’t comment on it.
Just a little background: I Love You, Sir was one of those artistic creations that got me through some of the greatest dramas in my life. It made me happy and lightened my burdens.
Now that I’ve come back to your profile, I was surprised to see the story back! Only this time, I’m happier with my life. Unfortunately, I don’t have as much time as I did before, but I will still reread it because of my longing for Hark, haha.
I just want you to know how much I adore your stories, and you of course. Please continue creating works like these; you’re making life better for many. Thank you so much, author!