
Instead if working on the book I knew people want to read more of, I'm working on 5 different ones that I don't think will ever see the light of day. Ah, I'm bad at this.


I see Ichimatsu and an Ereri Fanfic, I follow


I'm currently 28 chapters into another story that I'll probably end up posting soon if that makes it any better. Publishing the stuff before it's finished just puts too much pressure on me and I lose my will to write it I think


Eh...I actually liked your story tho


@Mimstis lol too bad my writing style is so drastically different than in that fic that I stopped working on it


this message may be offensive
By the way, to everyone reading my Ereri book, I'm so sorry I haven't updated in ages. My writing style has drastically changed and I just can't get it to fit in with my old style. I'm honestly considering rewriting the whole thing or just making a new story all together. I'm a shit author to read from tbh, so indecisive and constantly changing.


Well, yesterday was my birthday and I'm officially 16 years old. Can't wait for another year of evading my mother's questions about what I'm always writing about and why I don't contact someone to read over my stuff to publish it. Thanks to all my new followers, it always brings a smile to my face to see I that someone deciding I was worthy of a follow.


I'm going to be editing and continuing my Ereri book, if you get notifications for it they will not be new chapters, just some grammatical and vocabulary changes. I'm attempting to get back on track with all my writing, possibly publishing some other works I've been using as a stress reliever. Have a wonderful day my friends.


I screwed up today, I screwed up real bad. I don't know when I'll be updating or publishing anything for a long while, and I'm so sorry. A lot of things are happening right now, and I just can't deal with it and the stress of everything I have online, I know most of you don't care, but this is just a notification for those who do. I'm sorry, but as of right now everything is ON HOLD. Goodbye, and goodnight, I hope all of you have a wonderful week.


My computer has been hacked and encrypted, I've been trying to write a lot but now I can't. Hope everyone can bare with the longer than usual delay in my book.
          I'm trying to fix it now, but it takes a lot of patience that I don't have. Sorry everyone!