
tbh  I’M SO HAPPY that some of you guys still read my story but i’m really sorry that maybe i can’t continue to write the uncomplete story karena aku lupa mau buat alur kaya gimana  but I PROMISE i’ll give something for you guys just wait for it okay?❤️


tbh  I’M SO HAPPY that some of you guys still read my story but i’m really sorry that maybe i can’t continue to write the uncomplete story karena aku lupa mau buat alur kaya gimana  but I PROMISE i’ll give something for you guys just wait for it okay?❤️


Hallo kaak... Maap yaa ngotorin wallnya dikit..
          Mau numpang promo nih..
          Aku bkin book cast Han Seungwoo.. Buat temen2 yg suka PDX 101 sama Victon boleh di check langsung aja.. sapa tau jodoh sama Mas Seungwoo..

          Buat Carat, aku juga ada book yang castnya Seventeen juga lho... All member ada disini... But, Main Castnya uri leader Coups... yang suka sebong langsung check aja yaa...

          Buat yg mau Follback/Feedback, langsung DM aja yaa...