
I need to get my sleeping schedule back on track it’s so messed up at the moment hh


ta wiadomość może być obraźliwa
Y’all ever just trying to stay positive and you tell yourself things are gonna be okay, but then your mind is like: “hey remember that one time when you said something that made you sound like an asshole? Yeah let’s worry about that for the next couple hours and then contemplate life while watching sanders sides videos.”


@Shy-Birb I just get really depressed most of the time


@Kacy121205 phew- glad I’m not the only one


Aw. Thank you so much, I just noticed that they seemed to be having a rough time and I just wanted to reassure them and spread some positivity. And yeah, you don’t really see many people spreading positive things on social media these days so I decided I should do that. I hope that you too have a great day, or night, or afternoon! Also no problem for the follow <3