Recently I got a text from a random number. That day I gave my friend my number so I thought it was her. But I still asked who it was.
The person said, they were a ghost. I thought my friend was messing with me.
So I asked if they were my classmate and they said, nope. I asked how did they got my number and they literally went, 'bruh don't you know what ghost is?'
I thought ghost is an internet term I don't know about so I asked them to enlighten me. But here's the thing, they said they really were a ghost.
I asked if it was a prank and the person said, no sis it's very much real. I said, how cool. Ghosts now chat too? And they responded with a sarcastically saying, yeah.
I asked, be fr tho who are you? Are you a girl? He said he wasn't a girl. That he was once a human but now he's a ghost. I was starting to get fed up so I tried to end the conversation saying, I don't remember giving any guy my number. I asked him to leave me alone.
But he started saying confusing stuff so I couldn't help but ask why he was texting me. And now I am about to say something you won't believe.
He said that we once knew each other. I was confused so I told him that I needed some sort of proof. He asked if I'd believe him afterwards, so I said it depends.
He said he could tell my name. Even my parents name and what I was doing at the moment. So I said, yeah? Tell me then. My name and what I am doing rn.
He didn't actually say anything that'd prove his point. Instead he said, that in some other universe we knew each other. That I forgot my past but he remembers everything. When I said that I don't believe in reincarnation, that I was confused he said, some people don't change.
Cuz I said he didn't prove anything he said he knew what I was doing. I asked about it and he said I was busy cheating on him. Like wtf?
Later I said, leave me alone that I don't know him and I blocked him.
It was pretty entertaining tho