
Hi, been awhile hasn't it? I know i haven't done much here. Hopefully I can make a change to that. Though before I do that, I wanna see if peeps still use this? And maybe I can share some writing then? Even just the tests for a story thing. That's what my mini stories book.
          	A test before any real thing. So, if people still on here, maybe leave a comment? I can make a post here about some ideas that I have. If ya'll are interested. Have a good day or night.


Hi, been awhile hasn't it? I know i haven't done much here. Hopefully I can make a change to that. Though before I do that, I wanna see if peeps still use this? And maybe I can share some writing then? Even just the tests for a story thing. That's what my mini stories book.
          A test before any real thing. So, if people still on here, maybe leave a comment? I can make a post here about some ideas that I have. If ya'll are interested. Have a good day or night.


Heyo, So I have a few ideas. So for my oc, mainly Mareike Rabe and her buddies. I could write her story. But I want to know if you guys would be interested.  Or should i write some mini stories first of all my characters or at the least the ones that can interact with each other.
          So, write a full blown story out of the gate? Or mini stories first for practice?


Hey everyone. I know this account is very dead. And I'm planning to delete it and start a new one. Reason been, I forgot about this account and I have actual writing ideas. I want to work on my stories more with my ocs. Along with some mini stories with them interacting. And I want to focus on my writing a bit more. I'll let you know when I create the new account. If you are interested in it of course. Have a good day or night.


Question for ya'll. Are you all active?  Cuz I plan to start a new art book. And Maybe make a story book for one of my characters.  And I want to know it's ya'll be interested?
          Please let me know! And hope you all have a lovely day or night!


I wanna talk about ocs a lot.
          So the ocs that I've been drawing an been using the most.
          Shy (persona), Mare (angry bird. Technically second persona) , Vings (slime bby) and Tanzanite (Tanz, blue cyclops). And maybe Eagan, and few other characters that I'm working on.
          So Shy. Is just my persona. A visual idea of who I work to be. The best me. Of course with unrealistic stuff but that's obvious. Lol. She will not have an official backstory of any kind. Unless. It's an au version. Cuz as I grow. Shy will change and grow with me
          Mareike or Mare. Is technically my second persona. But currently I'm treating her more like a character. Which is fine. And normal. But she still is me in a way. Mainly my mental issues. But way more extreme. Cuz reasons. And she will have a backstory. And I'm currently working on it. (Eagan and probably a lot more characters to be created, will also be in it)
          Irvings, Vings. Slime bby. They do have a backstory. But I need to work out a lot of things. And give them more a present. And I'll probably discounted the Qna for them. Reason being I want to restart it. Some time later. I need to give them more character development. While yes they are a lovely innocent slime bby. Who I want no one to harm them. I kinda need to.
          Tanzanite, Tanz. So he's new. And I already love him. I do have a vague idea for his backstory. But not fully. Just like one fifth of the story. And that's not much. But the things I know for sure and dont mind sharing. Is that he is a fem boy. Bi. And very supportive, a bit cocky, flirty but overall a chill guy.
          That's all of the main ocs. So far. So quick thing in school. In English, we are working on the hero's journey. And we can use any character, as long it's our own. And I'm using Mare. And while working on this. I've realized how much is in one backstory. Or just the world itself. I've learn how many characters I need to create. Without being to crowded. The world building, the systems. And much, much more.


Hello, sorry for not posting. The animatic has been taking up most of my time. Same with school. And as always I'll do my best to post. 
          Although there is something that I am, that I didn't know. And that is I'm bi (bisexual). At least I believe so. And funny thing, my older sister already knew that I was going to be gay or at least slightly gay. And that was because, there is this one cousin that I had a crush on when I was like 5.  And I went up to my sis and said something like, "I really like her. She makes my insides feel weird." Which I'm guess I was referring to the butterflies in your stomach.  And I can't blame smol me, cux my cousin was and still is a very nice person. At least the last time I've visited them. So please don't attack me. And the only childhood crushes I remember were dudes. ;w;
          And how did I find out? 
          well, I won't say how because I want to respect the other person. Cuz they made me realized that I some sort of bi.  I'm saying sort because I've never focus on my sexuality. For a few reasons.
          1. I'm young, being that, it feels like something I don't really need to worry or think about.
          2. I always saw myself being attracted to guys. Though I am open minded. Although my sister does say that bis, including herself, are picky with who they like. I guess? And if you disagree, that's fine. I don't want to make anyone mad.
          3. I'm not worried or wanting to be in a romantic relationship. Mainly due to dumb drama that happen in 3rd grade that just left a bad taste in my mouth. I guess. Idk But that might change. 
          That's all for now, I need to stop making long posts. But that's me. I can get talkative. So sorry. but yeah. Hope you have a nice day.