every second counts,its slowly starts. the time slows an
you can see every second an moment with every breath
you take.every part of your body stops even your heart,
you feel a slight breeze on the back of ur neck,you take a
deep breathe an you feel it in your lungs, your whole body
that amazing smell an feeling like after it rains in the forest.
your finger tips go numb, your eyes close an you start to cry
but there so sweet tears. your soul lifts an you feel a shattered
peace.then your eyes go a million miles a second an time is released.
the world is fast an crazy back to normal an u stand still with clairity,
your finger shake an your lips feel so dry u feel so light but a heart
so hevy, you find the world to say but yet you can not speek.
................. thats love..........
its is the most hurtful.......
it is the most joyful............
it is the most amazing ...........
its is the most horriable.......
NO............its is just love an love is no jealous or mean or hurtful or angry love is love its something we cant ever truely see because each love is diffrent but it is always something we can feel............. always