I have this attitude of "I-Dont-Care-If-You-Dont-Like-Me-So-Be-It". And the reputation of "Like-Me?-Good:)" But does it make me a cold heartless girL?

Some might call me that- A b****- most of the time I dont really care. Some say Im a girl devil, for some reasons I dun realLy kn0w why. Some say Im insensitive. C'm0n, i just adapt myself for possibilities. Well, they even say Im a SHEW0LF, for when Im provoked, I really get even. But when people call me names, am I recquired to care? If I'd explain myself, they'd say Im defensive, but if n0t, SILENCE MEANS YES. So I've n0 opti0n but BE ME. But they couldn't understand. No one kn0ws me buT they kn0w my name. But kn0wing my name aint give em en0ugh basis to judge me.

THERE'S M0RE T0 ME. Just have to know me better. If you think Im cold, cynical, sarcastic. I calL it ME. But behind those are nice, tough, lovable and joyful ME.


(copied from my facebook account)
  • JoinedSeptember 21, 2012