
im working on a Michael Clifford fanfic rn so woo


@ShyanSmiles i literally just uploaded the first chapter oops


Hey guys. Im thinking about writing again. The reason i havent updated my Dan one was because my dog ate my notebook. So, im gonna start a new story, i now have time. Plus it'l help me get through a couple things that have been going on. So yeah. Theres an update on my life. Sorry for not being on in forever.




okay so i have a random tab open that says Poison xD Dear God.....


HI DARLING. I haven't given you a nice message in a while so I thought I should.
          YOU ARE NOT FOREVER ALONE. You will find someone perfect and amazing and will live happily ever after with him and have beautiful babies and name them after me(;
          BUT until then, you still have me. And before you say what I think you're going to say, NO. You still have me no matter what, no matter who I meet, I will always be there for you. Okay? Okay. NOW. I have to go get ready. Bye darling. I love you(: <33